b'work for an animal shelter, and she says she has Bud died 12/24/18Surrendered toneverbeenhappier.Whensheisnotworking, Hillsborough Countys Pet Resource CenterMary manages to find time to volunteer for The (PRC) 02/05/18. Staff noted he was veryRunawaysAnimalRescue inNewPortRichey. friendly upon intake. On 02/18/18 he wasBusterwasadogshewasfosteringtohelphim adopted. On 05/25/18, he returned to therecover from surgery after being hit by a car. The shelter as a stray. His owners reclaimed himCatahoula Leopard Dog was on the euthanasia list two days later. Bud found his way back toatPascoCountyAnimalServiceswhenThe the shelter on 12/15/18, suffering from aller-Runaways Animal Rescue pulled him and covered gies, ear infections, obesity, and strugglinghis surgical needs. Mary has since adopted Buster. with an upper respiratory infection. PRCWeaskedMarysomequestionstohelpour issued a plea for Bud. On Christmas Evereaders get to know more about our cover artist. morning, Bud was found dead in his kennel.Whatfavoriteitemsareonyourdeskatthe Flaco died 01/30/19 moment? My shader brushes, my wood panels, my Rescue Me Orlando described him as just apaintbrush holder,and my tube of blue paint. I love big baby. He enjoyed jumping and playing.using shader brushes. I use them more than any He loved treats and toys, and all of the vol-other type of brush. I learned early on that I dis- unteers at Orange County Animal Services,liked painting on canvas, and use wood panels in who said he was funny and sweet. Listed astheir place. Its a much smoother surface. My paint- rescue only, a foster stepped up. A rescuebrush holder is shaped like a little girl, and I am could not. Shelters are overcrowded andobsessedwithit.Mybluepaintisprobablymymost coveted item. I dont use the color black ever rescues are overwhelmed. Flaco got to playin my work. Instead, I use the color blue mixed outside in the sun the day before he died. Hewith other colors to create the desired color. was just three years old.What is the most cherished item in your studio? Elvis died 07/18/17He was a puppyI keep a journal of all the dogs I paint, writing their playgroup participant and had a kennelnames, euthanasia dates, and stories alongside their mate. Shelter life got to him and his behav-photos. ior began to suffer. Overcrowded sheltersWhat is your favorite color? My favorite color is and loud noises such as barking bouncingpurple, but my favorite colors to paint with are blue off concrete walls creates an overwhelming-and burnt sienna. Or maybe even better - blue and ly stressful environment. Shelter dogs dontburnt sienna mixed together. get much relief from the chaos. If they do,its only for a few minutes when volunteersIf you could meet one artist, dead or alive, who take them outside. Elvis was at Palm Beachwould that be and why? I feel like a clich, and County Animal Services for three months. Hethearthistorianinmeisunimpressedwithmy died at two years old in the very place hechoice, but if I could meet any artist, I would meet was so afraid of.Vincent Van Gogh. While Van Goghs style and Buddy died 06/09/23Transferred frommine are vastly different, the adversity he faced in the Humane Society of Tampa Bay (HSTB) tolife,mirrorssomeofthestrugglesIfaceinmy Hillsborough Countys Pet Resource Center.personal life. Buddy was adopted but returned again toHSTB as a stray. Once again, he was trans- Paintings have a ferred to PRC where he was placed on thelife of their own that euthanasia list. Buddy was a good boy whoenjoyed time in the play yard and playingderives from the with stuffed toys. On his last day, volunteerspainters soul. took him outside to feel the sun on his fur and to play with his toys. Buddy was five Vincent Van Gogh years old.64 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'