b'realitysoundbites.Nothing Could Dim Their LightThat Shone From Withinby Anna CookeEarlier this year, in the span of just a few Iconsidermyselftobeblessed fear but finding a way through it.weeksofeachother.theanimalrescue becauseGodputmetoworkasadogworld lost three strong, kind, and selfless rescuer,shewrote.Overthedecades,advocates. They fought for the underdog, thousandshavecrossedmythreshold.the shelter pets, the stray and injured ani- Peed on my floor consumed a ton of food.mals. They also helped families with pets AndgavememorelovethanperhapsIstaytogetherbyarrangingpetfoodor deserved. Also, its been a real privilege toemergency veterinary care. have met and developed friendships fromDiplomacywasnotintheirDNA, kind, loving and dynamic people. especiallywhenananimalslifewasin Dodge was Terris constant compan-peril.Everyoneknewwheretheystood ion for 13 years. Shed adopted him fromwith these three individuals, as they did Pasco County Animal Services. He hadnot mince their words. We all knew better been previously adopted out and returnedthan to cross them, again, especially when to the shelter three times. Apparently, hean animals life was at stake. had been waiting for just the right personThey never asked anyone to do any- to adopt him. My little buddy and I havething they wouldnt do themselves, or had grown old together, Terri said before shealready done many times before. And, if passed in June.Tina VaLant and Pipernoonewasaroundtodotheshelter Tina Valant was also a contributor,pulling,transporting,fostering,covering and photographed events across the stateananimalsvetbills,seeingananimal for us, including the Worth Avenue Easterthrough recovery, or being at an animals Pet Parade and Dog Costume Contest inside near the end of its life, rest assured, PalmBeachandDachstoberfestinthese three stepped up to the plate. WestPalmBeach.HomelessAustralianWehaveworkedwiththemalmost Shepherds were Tinas weakness when itsince the inception of The New Barker in came to finding them a safe spot to land.2006.Eachonetooktheinitiativeto But really, any animal in distress, includ-either send an email or call me to intro- ing iguanas, were in good hands whenduce themselves. rescued by Tina. She was also a butterflyenthusiastandhadamassed108,000followersonherTikTokaccountwithenlightening,upliftingmessagesandimages.AllthreeofthesewomenbecameDebra Starr with foster dog Delilah. friendsofmineandweresupportersofPhotograph by Carol Moorhead. The New Barker. I could always count onDebra Starr, a longtime shelter vol- them for their guidance and input, andunteerforManateeCountyAnimal trusted their confidentiality.Welfare, wrote for The New Barker, always Wise, very funny and irreplaceable.in support of shelter work and volunteer-ing. She was one of the shelters biggestadvocates, not only for the animals but forthestaffandvolunteers.Sheadvocatedtirelessly for spay and neuter policies andManateeCountysNoKillpolicy.SheTerri Ensign with Pilots N Paws pilot, Tom continuedfosteringthroughoutherill-Autry, who transported Tom and Jerry (in ness, including Delilah and a litter of kit-the crate) for VIP Rescue tens. Debra journaled about her illness onTerri Ensign, founder of VIP Rescue her blog, Dying With Debra, a title reflect-Florida, always had a story idea for us. ing her dark sense of humor. She loved thisSometimes she sent a simple text. Other quote by Bear Gryllis, Being brave isnt thetimes, it was an anecdotal phone call. absence of fear. Being brave is having that18 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'