b'The Strategy Behind SB 942SomeformofBSLcanstillbefoundinmany onatewiththestatecenteredonpeoplescities, counties, and states, but there were specif- right to responsibly own whatever breed oficreasonswhyBestFriendsAnimal dog they want.Society chose Miami-Dade County for Removing barriers to ownership would givethispush.First,Floridaranksamong every animal welfare organization in the statethe top five states where the most ani- the ability to advocate for all dogs in theirmals are losing their lives in the shelter- care. Those who have gone to great lengths toing system. But it also is populated by stayundertheradarlikeDahliawithpeople who want that to change. Chocolatewould be able to confidentlyHousing is one of the most frequently walk any breed of dog in broad daylight andcited reasons for relinquishing a pet, and in many notworryabouthavingthemtakenawaycases that is because people with lower economic based solely on their appearance.meanscantaccessaffordablehousingandkeep It was smart of Best Friends to approachtheir dogs. Low-cost, government-subsidized housing isnt an the issue from the angle of discrimination in federal and state-optionforallofthemeither.Asurveyofpublichousing subsidized housing, Denise says. This is an important firstauthority pet policies across Florida found that 60% had breed step in setting a standard that private landlords and propertyrestrictions,andallthepoliciesreviewedrestrictedpetsto owners will hopefully follow suit on. We wont be removing allunder 40 pounds. the barriers for those dogs, but housing is an important one.We literally have people living in cars with their dogs, SB 942 will open the door that much wider for all dogssays Denise Deisler, CEO of Jacksonville Humane Society to someday get the homes they deserve, says Laura. It will(JHS). These people are often eligible for government hous- also put Florida closer to becoming one of the states that pro-ing, but they wont take advantage of that option because it hibits BSL.rules out an important part of their life. If we could do away The legislation likewise wont impact local governmentswith such limitations, the number of viable housing options ability to create good, sound policies based on dog behavior tofor these families would automatically increase. It would cre- ensure the safety of the community.ate a double benefit by ensuring both people and animals can Science has been clear for decades: Breed does notaccess safe, affordable, adequate housing. determine behavior, Laura says. This is why Best FriendsPart of SB 942s strategy was to challenge BSL in govern- partners with the International Municipal Lawyers Associationment-funded housing. to create model policies for local governments around danger-We knew the government would be far more likely to ousdogs.Thislegislationdoesnotimpactlocal(govern-step in and regulate something funded with taxpayer dollars ments). It simply removes outdated laws that unnecessarilythan try and control the private real estate market, says Kelsey separate pets from their people. UGilmore-Futeral, legislative attorney for Best Friends Animal Source: Best Friends Animal Society, excerpted from a June 20,Society. We also knew the argument that would most res- 2023 article written by Liz Finchwww.TheNewBarker.com THE NEW BARKER 33'