b'Lives of the Monster DogsA novel by Kirsten BakisPublished by HarperCollins1997ARE YOU SUFFERING FROMAs one might expect from the books title and cover, this isTHE PUPPY BLUES? a weirdly beautiful story. The monster dogs were a speciescreated by humans, and kept isolated for a hundred yearsin a place called Rankstadt, named after their mad-scientistSometimes, after thecreator,AugustusRank.Theypuppy cuteness wears off,walkupright,andthroughayour puppys antics startmechanism,areabletospeakto wear on you. Dont letlike humans. A group of themthe puppy blues get youmigrates to New York in 2008,down. I will work with youretainingtheirnineteenth-cen-and your puppy in yourturyGermaniccultureofthehome to help break any bad habits and redirect ashumanswhocreatedthem.necessary. Puppy trainingWearing top hats, tails and bus-is my specialty. tle skirts, they are wealthy andglamorous,makingthemAKC CGC TSPECIAL OFFER:Testinginstantcelebritiesinthecity.Therapy Dog T Training They construct a castle on the Lower East Side and even-thecanineco@yahoo.com tually barricade themselves inside. Cleo Pira, a writer for a813.200.4204 publication,befriendsthemtowritetheirstory.Sheiswww.TheCanineCo.com invited to a mad, lavish party that may prove to be the final @the-canine-company act in the drama of the lives of the monster dogs.Rank, mad scientist, wanted to create an army of dogs.Hed had this dream since he was a young boy, belieivngthat no human loyalty could equal the fanatic devotionof a dog. Unfortunately, many animals fell victim to hisexperimentsalongtheway.TherearealsomanydiaryBE INSPIREDentries from Rank which are horrifyingly bizarre to say theEDleast, but one cannot put the book down.BY YOUR FAVORITE When I am done, I wont need the people anymore.PICTUREThe dogs will be my people, perfect extensions ofEVERY DAY my will. The dogs will be absolutely obedient to me.Their minds will be my mind, their hearts will bemine. Augustus Ranks diary. Excerpt from Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten BakisThe story is a fantastical one, written in part from theTake that favorite photo off yff your phone or out of theviewpoint of one of the monster dogs, Ludwig. Most of it to a framed keepsakeYour bureau drawer and turn it into a framed keepsake. Yr, and tur to a framed keepsake. Yphoto will be stylized into a piece of art, matted andis written by the storys protagonist, Cleo Pira, who tries toframed, to be cherished foreververr. uncoverthemysteriesofthemonsterdogstotelltheirstoriesandperhapspreventthefatethatVarious sizes available.awaits them.Price includes frame, matThis is a novel, the reader may have to be reminded.and shipping. The perfectBut then, the readers own mind wanders and wondersgift idea too. about the mind of the author who put the whole storytogether in the first place! It is an amazing piece of work,www.w.woofmktg albeit at times uncomfortable to read. www oofmktg.com|813.200.4204|woofmarkofmarketing@aol.cometing@aol.com48 THE NEW BARKER www.TheNewBarker.com'